


Web Developer - Geologist - Writer



Hello, world! My name is Derek Foley. I am a web and app developer and a lover of learning. Thanks for joining me on my journey! Please find my portfolio, curriculum vitae, and research below. Feel free to contact me if you have thoughts, tips, or just would like to say hello.



The RecSpot

RecSpot is a social media start-up focusing on building a network of individuals sharing recommendations of shows, restaurants, movies, music, and just about everything else. Recspot hired me to build this dynamic website using React so they can allow users to sign up for early access and learn more about their company. Check out the website and Recspot here.

Four In A Row

For legal purposes, this mobile game is called Four In A Row. This project was built with Flutter.


This project was built with Flutter, utilizing Firebase and Google Maps API. It allows for user registration and log in, user location data, and using Google Maps SDK, Places API, and Directions API, locate nearby restrooms and direct the user to them. This is a work in progress. I learned about API use, mobile geolocation, user registration, and animations in this project.

My personal playground, I've rebuilt this website three times. First, I used Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, and basic Javascript, utilizing a stock-theme from Bootstrap. Next, I rebuilt the site from scratch, using only my own code. This is the third version where I used React, Javascript, Bootstrap, Node, and Mongoose, making the website more dynamic and modular.
my logo

Curriculum Vitae


Double major at Ohio State

Earned degrees in geological science and political science


Office of the Governor

Served as Governor Kasich's public liaison


Strategy Group for Media

Served as Executive Assistant to the CEO


Invented novel gravimeter

Invented a theoretical neutron gravimeter


Attained Master of Science

Earned my Master of Science in Geology from Ohio State


Flipped 100 year old house

Completely remodeled my house during grad school


Professional Geologist

Served as a geologist at the Ohio Geological Survey


Gilson Company

Technical Support Engineer for geotechnical testing products


Software Developer

Autodidactic software journey

Contact Me